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A selection of reports and industry commentaries published by Dr Rob Bryant.

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November 2024

Global Health Priority Box; Proactive Pandemic Preparedness

Anna Adam, Dominique Besson*, Rob Bryant, et al
ACS Infect. Dis. 2024, (10), 4030-4039.
DOI: pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsinfecdis.4c00700

Dr Rob Bryant's contribution was to supply a short-list of possible insecticide candidates that might offer useful novel activity as vector control agents

Click here to download/read the article (Acrobat PDF file, 5.13Mb).


Agrochemicals: exciting technical challenges and new business opportunities

Dr Rob Bryant says keeping up with demands of continuing developments in agrochemical science has been a prime driver for fine chemical companies and that the agrochemical industry continues to present exciting synthetic challenges for organic chemists (April 2021)

Click here to read the article online.

Are we overdependent on China?

Dr Rob Bryant asks whether the global agrochemical industry has developed an over-reliance on limited regional resources for its raw materials, intermediates and actives (March 2021)

Click here to download/read the article (Acrobat PDF file, 1.3Mb).

The article references another useful resource paper:
”Perspectives in the agrochemical industry and agrochemical discovery”
Thomas C. Sparks, Beth A. Lorsbach, Pest Management Science, 73(4), 672-677 (2017)
Available at: https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.4457


Crop Protection Discovery: Is Being the First Best?

Thomas C. Sparks, James E. Hunter, Beth A. Lorsbach, Greg Hanger, Roger E. Gast, Greg Kemmitt and Robert J. Bryant, J. Agric. Food Chem.(66), 10337-10346 (2018)

Examines whether being the first to uncover a novel class of agrochemical really pays off by reviewing the recent history of winners and losers in global agrocghemical global research. (2108).

Article download from this site has not yet been authorised; the publication is readily available from online journal sites..


The ABCs of pesticide toxicology: amounts, biology, and chemistry

John E. Casida and Robert J. Bryant, Toxicol. Res. (6), 755-763 (2017)

The three goals of toxicology research on pesticides are first to create new knowledge and chemicals, second to evaluate their effectiveness and safety and third to regulate their use. This review addresses the ABCs of pesticide toxicology, i.e. their Amounts, Biology and Chemistry.(2017)

Article download from this site has not yet been authorised; the publication is readily available from online journal sites..

May 2016

What the agrochemical industry can teach the pharmaceutical industry

- how better processes can reduce the prices of medicines based on synthetic chemicals. An article by Dr Rob Bryant (May 2106).

Click here to download/read the article (Acrobat PDF file, 40k).

April 2016

Fine chemical technologies for novel agrochemical ingredients

A talk presented by Dr Rob Bryant at the 33rd. SCI Process Development Symposium, April 2016, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Click here to download/read the article (Powerpoint PPT file, 1.4Mb).

September 2014

A losing battle?

The European fine chemicals industry is upbeat about agro, but the experts are sounding warning bells. A report on presentations at Chemspec Europe 2014 by Andrew Warmington.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 1.2Mb).

June 2014

Agrochemical active ingredients: better ways of making them

A talk presented by Dr Rob Bryant at the European Fine Chemical Group Conference 2014 (June, Budapest).

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 1.8Mb).

November 2013

Treatments for nematode infestations - novel agrochemicals under development

A talk presented by Dr Rob Bryant at the Agrochemical Conference 2013 (19-20 November, Newmarket Conference Centre).

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 6Mb).

November 2012

Agrochemical pest control: new active ingredients are still needed

A talk presented by Dr Rob Bryant at the Agrochemical Conference 2012 (Newmarket Conference Centre).

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 3Mb).

March 2011

Innovative pesticides are what the world needs

Now that resistance to pesticides is a globally established problem, Dr Rob Bryant proposes that investigating pesticidal modes of action is where to look when embarking on new crop protection active development programmes.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 350k).

October 2010

Agrochemical R&D - hard work and money is not enough

The intangible concept of creativity is the important starting point for any process of discovery or innovation. By providing a historical perspective, Dr Rob Bryant argues that just simply increasing the budgets of R&D departments is not the most intelligent solution to the continuing global problem of finding new agrochemical activity leads.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 275k).

February 2010

Europe's place within the global fine chemical industry

Dr Rob Bryant analyses the status the European fine chemicals industry and reviews its prospects in the current global business climate.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 1.3Mb).

January 2008

Can Asia innovate?

Dr Rob Bryant discusses whether cultural norms are holding back Asian fine chemical companies.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 790k).

December 2007

China emerges in APIs

China is becoming a major producer of APIs as well as basic intermediates. Dr Rob Bryant has documented the process.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 3600k).

December 2007

New factors pressuring China's API producers

Helped by competitive pricing and improved quality, China has in recent years emerged as a major global supplier of active pharmaceutical intermediates (APIs). But can the country's producers cope with increasing cost pressures? Dr Rob Bryant and James Shen look at some of the factors affecting the industry.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 80k).

October 2007

The rise of the Chinese API industry

The recent scandal over the corrupt administration of Chinese GMP certification is unlikely to greatly slow down the growth of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry and its increasing role as a leading global exporter of APIs and pharmaceutical intermediates. In this short article, Dr Rob Bryant explores the recent changes in the Asian production of APIs, with emphasis on China's industry.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 105k).

October 2007

New developments in Chinese agrochemical R&D

No longer just manufacturers of generic pesticides, Chinese agrochemical companies and research institutes are increasingly developing their own active ingredients.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 145k).

July 2007

Crisis in innovation

There is little doubt that R&D in the agchem industry, and to a lesser degree in the pharmaceutical sector, is in the doldrums.
Dr Rob Bryant contrasts the fortunes of both of these science-based industries to find out why they appear to be failing to innovate.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 275k).

February 2006

The manufacture of medicinal alkaloids from the opium poppy - a review of a traditional biotechnology

This old review briefly summarises the history of the production of opiates from Papaver somniferum. There have been many changes in the industry since this review was written (in particular, the opium is no longer the dominant source of opiates, having been largely supplanted by poppy straw), but it nevertheless provides a useful introduction to this subject.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 2Mb).

October 2005

Big interest in small molecules

Venture capital isn’t the only source of funding for small molecule start-ups, says Dr Rob Bryant. There is a compelling case for investment from the larger fine chemical companies, although the concept is still regarded as novel by many industry players.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 390k).

February 2005

Pharmaceutical fine chemicals
Global Perspectives 2000

This 140 page report, although written by Dr. Rob Bryant in 2000 (and originally published by Informa Publishing Group), still offers a worth-while introduction to the subject. The copyright has now reverted to the author who is making it available as a free download (Acrobat PDF file, 1.2Mb).

November 2004

Small molecules: Down but not out

Rumours of the imminent demise of small molecules are greatly exaggerated, says Dr Rob Bryant, as he outlines the impact of biopharmaceuticals on the fine chemical industry.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 160k).

May 2004

Outsourcing: The Beautiful South

When it comes to finding new outlets for their technical skills, northern European fine chemical producers are missing out. Dr Rob Bryant explores the unbranded sector and the vagaries of the north-south divide.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 356k).

October 2003

South Korea: adapting to an influx of Western medicine

South Korean pharmaceutical fine chemical companies find themselves caught between the lower costs of China and India and the financial clout of multinationals. Dr Rob Bryant looks at recent changes in the country's industry structure and the impact on local production.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 70k).

October 2003

Agrochemical intermediates: matching technical and market intelligence needs with resources

Dr Rob Bryant looks at how buyers of agrochemical markets, products and chemical intermediates data can select the information that best suits their specific requirements and offers some thoughts on how to match a company's needs with the market intelligence available.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 72k).

December 2002

Putting partnership back in Process Chemistry

Dr Rob Bryant of Brychem discusses the recent changes in the business relationships between innovative pharmaceutical companies and their fine chemical suppliers. These changes have helped to impair, rather than improve, the development of the best possible manufacturing processes for new API's.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 402k).

October 2001

Fine tuning the fine chemicals market to satisfy pharma

Dr Rob Bryant considers the evolving business landscape for companies making pharmaceutical fine chemicals over the next five to ten years and asks if there is a better way to do business.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 90k).

April 2001

Trifluoromethoxybenzene -
an emerging multi-outlet intermediate

New multi-outlet chemical intermediates and fine chemicals create new business opportunities for companies offering products and services to the lifescience industries. This new monograph from Brychem reports on a compound that is increasingly used in synthesising new agrochemical and pharmaceutical actives.a report by Brychem

Click here for a summary and more information.

October 2001

The downside of upsizing in the fine chemical industry

Dr Rob Bryant looks at the consolidation of the fine chemical industry and asks whether larger companies really deliver an improved service to their customers.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 158k).

September 1997

China - from self-sufficiency to world leadership.

China has become increasingly prominent in the production and sale of pharmaceutical fine chemicals over the past decade. Dr Rob Bryant and Jiang Song report on the country's industry structure, its major players and its future development.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 2MB).

November 1995

India's fine chemicals industry - a force to be reckoned with

India's bulk medicinals industry could present an opportunity, or a threat to western manufacturers, but as Dr Rob Bryant reports, international companies will ignore it at their peril.

Click here to open/read/download the article (Acrobat PDF file, 2MB).